Compression garments are typically needed after treatment although garments may be requested by a physician in other cases such as maintaining volume loss after treated Congestive Heart Failure.Garments are fabricated in one of two ways: Ready-made (which are circular-knit) or Custom-made (which can be flat or circular-knit). Ready-made tend to fit a broader range of people, cost less & have no seam. But, they are not appropriate for all people. Custom garments are typically needed in Primary or Secondary Lymphedema. These garments are fit to a person’s limb shape & because of the specialty of making them, they do cost more. We sell a variety of compression garments for upper & lower extremities as well as supportive products & pumps. These include products from:
- Jobst
- Juzo
- Farrow Wraps
- Solaris
- Medi (Circaid, CEP compressions)
- Lymphedivas
- Sigvaris
- BiaCare
- JoViPak
- Lympha Press
To request a product, please contact us using the “Request a Garment Fitting” section on the website. A person will need a prescription from their doctor & insurance information.